Kamis, 02 November 2017

Ave Maria

"aku belum pernah ke sini"
"bagus guanya"
"kalo kamu mau berdoa di depan gak papa, aku dari sini aja"
"kita ga ada foto bareng?"
"muka ibunya langsung ga enak pas aku kasih uangnya"

I still remember that day
although it was rainy day, you still wanted  to go with me
the day you and I went to that place
the day you and I sat together, talked a lot, laughed, and looked around the cave
the day I prayed there, so did you
the day I could see your face looked so happy
to be honest, I was happy too
I could go to my favorite place with a kind person like you
for the first time, I spent that day with you and that day was felt very long
from wet till dry, you and I wore green raincoat
from morning till night, i was with you

a good time, a beautiful day, a sweet memory :)
Thank you so much brother in Christ

Tuhan memberkatimu selalu
Tuhan Yesus dan aku sangat mengasihimu 

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